Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Obligatory Mission Statement

I read quite a few blogs, and nearly all them begin with a post which explains the reasons for said blog's existence. Since this seems to work out for my favorite bloggers, I might as well use the same formula.

Why Did I Make This Blog?

The answer is simple: to make fun of myself while simultaneously impressing the internet with my self-deprecating self-awareness and my particular brand of sarcastic wit. Also, I've always wanted to keep a journal, but my complete inability to keep track of something as small and unobtrusive as a notebook pretty much nipped attempts one through 20 right in the bud - therefore, this will be my version of a journal, minus the rambling stories about uninteresting days and the heart-dotted letters (true story: I actually draw hearts over the letters i and j, and as the period in exclamation points and question marks. I'm still holding out for my Malibu Barbie over here!). Actually, there will be rambling. Paragraphs and paragraphs of rambling. Kind of like this paragraph!

The Game (ok, Blog) Plan!

The premise of this blog will become clear very, very quickly, but I'll lay it out anyway (I'm just that generous). This blog is going to be structured to mirror my thought process; whenever I am faced with absolutely any new idea, image, or [insert noun here], my brain immediately goes off in two wholly different directions. First, there is my point of view, which is generally not quite realistic (get it? Ooh, I am so very clever. And you are too for getting my incredible wit. High five!), followed by my realization that the world does not, in fact, operate based on my fantasies, which quickly leads to the formation of a realistic view.

This blog is going to make me seem rational because I will demonstrate my ability to recognize reality, therefore proving that my not-quite-realistic views and opinions are not held due to mental insanity or stupidity, but because I'm just that awesome! Yay, half-baked plans!


This post was written at 2:20 AM and has absolutely no thought behind it, so if it is completely unintelligible I accept no responsibility whatsoever. I'm sure I'll hate myself when I read it in the morning, except a) I don't wake up in the morning, I'm strictly 12PM or later, and b) I could never hate myself, I'm the most awesomely rad person ever! And, on top of that, I'm not quite realistic! Nope, those three words will never get old!

Now go read, unless I've already scared you off, in which case you're probably boring and smelly anyway.

~ Megan